Traffic accident Motorcyclist fatally injured in collision with post in Olten


4.8.2024 - 12:52

A motorcyclist lost his life in an accident in Olten on Sunday night. According to initial findings by the police, he crashed his vehicle into a concrete post and was thrown onto a nearby embankment.

At 4.30 a.m., they received a report that a damaged motorcycle was lying on the Ruttigerweg, the Solothurn cantonal police announced on Sunday. A short time later, the police found the 39-year-old dead on the embankment of the River Aare.

According to the information provided, the man was probably traveling from Olten in the direction of Aarburg AG when the accident occurred. It was initially unclear why the accident happened. The public prosecutor's office and police have launched an investigation and are looking for witnesses.