Nursing care Nidwalden government wants 450,000 francs for training offensive


13.9.2024 - 09:28

The canton of Nidwalden wants to grant a framework credit of CHF 450,000 for the implementation of the training offensive in the care sector. (symbolic image)
The canton of Nidwalden wants to grant a framework credit of CHF 450,000 for the implementation of the training offensive in the care sector. (symbolic image)

The Nidwalden government has applied for a framework credit of CHF 450,000 over the next eight years for the implementation of the first stage of the care initiative. Half of the costs will be borne by the federal government.


The Nursing Training Promotion Act, which came into force on July 1, is intended to counteract the shortage of skilled nursing staff, as the Nidwalden State Chancellery announced on Friday. Among other things, the loan is intended to support care companies, higher technical colleges and trainees. The Nidwalden cantonal council will decide on the framework credit.