The Bern cantonal police are looking for two people who are believed to have been involved in a violent altercation. As the search so far has been unsuccessful, unpixelated images have now been published.
19.11.2024, 14:46
19.11.2024, 14:56
Carsten Dörges
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The Bern cantonal police are looking for two people who are believed to have been involved in an assault in Milchgässli.
One of the alleged perpetrators is said to have deliberately injured the 18-year-old victim in the face.
The public search has not yet been successful, which is why the public prosecutor's office responsible has now ordered the publication of the uncovered footage.
The Bern cantonal police are looking for two people who are alleged to have been involved in an assault in Milchgässli in Bern on April 12, 2024. The men shown are strongly suspected of having committed an assault. One of the alleged perpetrators is said to have deliberately injured the 18-year-old victim in the face.
Despite intensive search measures, the two individuals have so far remained unknown. For this reason, the Bern-Mittelland public prosecutor's office ordered the current manhunt, which was first announced two weeks ago.
Bern cantonal police are looking for two suspected perpetrators with these unpixelated images.
It has not yet been possible to establish the identity of the persons involved in the public search. The public prosecutor's office responsible has therefore now ordered the publication of the uncovered images. This is available until further notice at "".
Bern cantonal police are looking for two suspected perpetrators with these unpixelated images.
The suspects or anyone who can provide relevant information on the identity of the alleged perpetrators are asked to contact the "Kantonspolizei Bern" on +41 31 638 81 11.