Scandal at secondary school in Schlieren ZHHead teacher fires teacher at parents' evening: "Heb de Latz!"
2.12.2024 - 10:58
There is currently plenty to discuss at the Kalktarren school in Schlieren.
Schule Schlieren
A parents' evening at a secondary school in Schlieren ZH degenerated after a teacher criticized the conditions. The school authorities reject some of the accusations, but recognize challenges.
02.12.2024, 10:58
02.12.2024, 14:03
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At a parents' evening at Kalktarren secondary school in Schlieren ZH, a teacher criticized the poor teaching conditions.
The principal rebuffed him with harsh words.
The school authorities admit that disciplinary problems within the school need to be addressed.
A parents' evening at a secondary school in Schlieren ZH escalated. At the center of the debate: teacher Samuel Wimmer, who has been teaching in the Kalktarren school building for three weeks because several teachers there are on sick leave at the same time. The Tages-Anzeiger newspaper reports on the information evening that took place in mid-November.
According to the report, Wimmer openly expressed his concerns about the inadequate teaching conditions: In some subjects, the young people had not been given any teaching materials, the classrooms were dirty and some of the furniture was broken. He also said that there had been no handover.
Before the end of his speech, the principal interrupted Wimmer with the words "Heb de Latz! You're fired!". Parents stood up and booed. There were even almost violent scenes.
Wimmer was escorted out of the hall by a school nurse. The following Monday, the principal's assistant appeared in Wimmer's classroom and sent the teacher home in front of the class.
School authorities respond
The school authorities have responded to the allegations and denied some of them. Nevertheless, it acknowledges that there are disciplinary problems within the school that need to be addressed. These problems also appear to be affecting the students, who are increasingly rebelling.
The school authorities emphasize that they are working on solutions to improve the situation. However, it recognizes that this will take time and commitment from all involved.
According to the report, many parents and teachers agree that changes are needed to improve the learning environment. The school board plans to hold further discussions in the coming weeks to address the issues and find solutions.
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