American woman dies in death capsuleSarco operators comment on the operation in Schaffhausen
Dominik Müller
The "Sarco" suicide capsule has been making headlines in Switzerland for months.
The controversial "Sarco" suicide capsule has been used for the first time. The Schaffhausen police then arrested several people. The operators write of a "peaceful" death.
24.09.2024, 10:49
25.09.2024, 04:14
Dominik Müller
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In the canton of Schaffhausen, a person is said to have died in the "Sarco" for the first time.
Arrests have also been made in connection with this.
The controversial Sarco suicide capsule has been used for the first time in a forest hut in the canton of Schaffhausen. One person took his own life with the aid of the capsule. The Schaffhausen police subsequently arrested several people, as reported on Tuesday.
According to the Dutch newspaper "NL Times", the deceased is a 64-year-old American woman. The woman is said to have traveled to Switzerland especially for the suicide and died on Monday afternoon at around 4 pm. A photojournalist from a Dutch newspaper is said to be among those arrested.
On its website, the organization "The Last Resort" - operator of Sarco - states that co-president Florian Willet was the only person present at the suicide. Sarco "worked as planned" and brought the woman a "drug-free, peaceful death", Nitschke is quoted as saying. According to co-president Fiona Stewart, the organization has always acted on the advice of its lawyers.
The inventor of the capsule, Philipp Nitschke, shared an article on X at midday about the Sarco operation. According to Nitschke, the 64-year-old US-American was the first person to enter the capsule.
It was only on Monday that Health Minister Elisabeth Baume-Schneider (SP) said during question time in parliament that the Sarco suicide capsule was not legally compliant. In the summer, the public prosecutor's offices of several cantons announced that they would initiate criminal proceedings if the capsule was used in their canton - including Schaffhausen.
Last summer, an announcement that the suicide capsule would be used in Switzerland sparked a discussion about its legal conformity. Its possible use caused a stir among the Swiss public and politicians.
The premiere was originally planned for July in the canton of Schaffhausen. The public prosecutor's offices of several cantons announced that they would initiate criminal proceedings if the capsule was used in their jurisdiction.
Suicidal thoughts? You can find help here:
These services are available around the clock for people in suicidal crises and for those around them.
Dargebotene Hand counseling hotline: Telephone number 143 or
Pro Juventute counseling hotline (for children and young people): Telephone number 147 or