Drunk drivingSVP councillor wants to "be even more careful at future drinks parties"
Andreas Fischer
Aargau SVP councillor Rolf Jäggi received a penalty notice for drink-driving after an aperitif.
Keystone/Alexandra Wey
Driving a car after an aperitif is not a good idea: SVP councillor Rolf Jäggi received a penalty notice for drunk driving. The politician from the canton of Aargau has come to his senses and is allowed to keep his driving license.
12.08.2024, 20:40
12.08.2024, 22:31
Andreas Fischer
No time? blue News summarizes for you
Aargau SVP politician Rolf Jäggi got behind the wheel of his car after an aperitif.
During a police check, he was found to have an elevated blood alcohol level.
The politician shows understanding and promises to improve.
The police stopped him after just a few hundred meters: Aargau SVP councillor Rolf Jäggi wanted to drive home after an aperitif. The check revealed that he was over the alcohol limit.
At the beginning of July, the lawyer received a penalty order from the public prosecutor's office: Rolf Jäggi was convicted of driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated, as reported by the "Aargauer Zeitung" newspaper. The incident took place in April when Jäggi was stopped by the police shortly after 10 pm.
Slightly more alcohol in his blood than permitted
The SVP politician, a member of the Grand Council's public safety committee, had previously attended an aperitif event. According to the penalty order, the breath alcohol measurement revealed 0.27 mg/l of alcohol in his blood, equivalent to around 0.54 per mille. Jäggi's reading was therefore slightly above the maximum permitted 0.24 mg/l.
Jäggi admitted to the "Aargauer Zeitung" newspaper: "On the way home after an event with drinks, I was surprised to find an alcohol level of 0.54 per mille during a police check."
Penalty order accepted
The politician shows understanding and has not contested the penalty order: "I very much regret this incident and it teaches me that I need to be even more careful at future drinks receptions." Jäggi has to pay a total of 1205 francs: a fine of 600 francs, 500 francs in penalty order fees and police costs of 105 francs.
However, Jäggi is allowed to keep his driver's license. The Road Traffic Office only issues a warning for minor violations of the Road Traffic Act. Provided you have not committed any relevant offences in the last two years.