NW cantonal council The resolutions of the Nidwalden District Council in brief


25.9.2024 - 10:48

At its meeting on Wednesday, the Nidwalden District Council


- approved the partial revision of the Elementary School Act in the second reading without a dissenting vote.

- approved the partial revision of the Road Traffic Act in the second reading without a dissenting vote.

- In the final vote, voted in favor of greater parliamentary involvement in government planning.

- acknowledged the report of the Interparliamentary Business Audit Committee on the annual report and financial statements of the Intercantonal Police School in Hitzkirch.

- acknowledged the report of the Interparliamentary Control Committee on the annual report of the Central Switzerland BVG and Foundation Supervisory Authority.

- took note of the annual report of the Interparliamentary Control Committee on the annual report of the IT Performance Center of the Cantons of Obwalden and Nidwalden.

- a motion by Matthias Christen (GLP) on the abolition of a tax deduction for unused residential property was rejected with 17 yes to 39 no votes. A conversion of the motion into a postulate was rejected by 21 votes against and 13 votes in favor.

- took note of an interpellation on the review of processes in the regional employment centers in the canton of Nidwalden.

- took note of an interpellation on barbershops and low-cost coiffeurs in the canton of Nidwalden.

- dealt with the granting of cantonal citizenship to 20 people.