The Cantonal Council has sworn in Philipp Müller (FDP, Dietikon) as a new member of the Council. He replaces André Müller.
Benjamin Walder (Greens, Wetzikon) has been elected as a new Kevu member. He replaces Florian Meier.
The Council referred a postulate from the GLP, FDP, SVP, Mitte and SP to the Government Council without discussion. The motion calls for private addresses not to be published for initiatives or other publications.
Teacher training courses should also be offered via distance learning. The Greens, FDP, SVP, SP and GLP are proposing this in a postulate. The proposal was referred to the government without discussion.
The Cantonal Council has referred a postulate from the Commission for Economic Affairs and Taxation without discussion. This concerns legislation on agricultural land and wetlands.
A postulate from the Committee for Economic Affairs and Taxation was passed without discussion. This concerns legislation on agriculture and biodiversity.
The Cantonal Council referred a postulate from the FDP, EVP, GLP and Mitte on agricultural photovoltaics to the government without discussion.
The Cantonal Council referred a postulate from the Greens on the circular economy in the healthcare sector to the government by 97 votes to 75.
The canton of Zurich should not bear the uncovered costs of supporting and treating intersex children and their parents. On Monday, the Cantonal Council rejected a postulate from the SP, EVP, Greens, GLP and AL. It thus followed the government's proposal by 87 votes to 86, with Council President Jürg Sulser (SVP) casting the deciding vote. The postulants considered it important to improve care for intersex people and their relatives.
Giving birth under a pseudonym, also known as confidential birth, is not regulated by law in the canton of Zurich. The cantonal council rejected a GLP motion by 90 votes against and 81 votes in favor. The majority found that the service already exists and works.
The cantonal council referred a motion to promote practical training for healthcare professions at all levels from the SP, EVP, Greens, AL and GLP to the cantonal government by 97 votes to 74.
The government should implement the concerns of the nursing initiative consistently and quickly. The Cantonal Council has rejected the motion "Stop Pflexit. Hopp Kanton Zürich" motion by the Greens, Center, SP, EVP and AL by 95 votes to 76 - against the wishes of the government.