Federal finances Unemployment insurance will temporarily receive less money from the federal government


19.9.2024 - 08:46

Over the next five years, Parliament wants to invest a total of CHF 1.25 billion less in unemployment insurance. This is to happen without any noticeable consequences. (theme picture)
Over the next five years, Parliament wants to invest a total of CHF 1.25 billion less in unemployment insurance. This is to happen without any noticeable consequences. (theme picture)

Due to the ailing federal finances, the Confederation will be putting CHF 1.25 billion less money into unemployment insurance over the next five years. After the National Council, the Council of States also approved a corresponding proposal by the Federal Council on Thursday.

Due to looming deficits running into the billions in the federal coffers, the Federal Council wants to reduce the federal contribution to unemployment insurance (ALV) by a total of CHF 1.25 billion between 2025 and 2029. The Council of States adopted the corresponding federal law on measures to ease the financial and administrative burden from 2025 by 42 votes to 2.

The majority in Parliament was of the opinion that the planned cut would make a significant contribution to eliminating the structural deficits from 2025. The measure could be implemented without any impact on ALV benefits.

The bill is ready for the final vote.