Cantonal Council ZGZug cantonal parliament rejects bonus for energy-efficient driving
29.8.2024 - 15:23
Anyone who drives an energy-efficient car in the canton of Zug cannot benefit from a bonus. On Thursday, the cantonal parliament voted against the government's plans by 37 votes to 32.
29.08.2024, 15:23
29.08.2024, 16:14
A majority of Zug's parliamentarians thus followed the lead of the State Economic Commission, which had previously spoken out against a bonus. Its president Tom Magnusson (FDP) asked whether a bonus was really an incentive to buy a car. Whether it would not be much more likely to be lower energy prices or other drive systems.
The SVP was also against a bonus, as were the Alternative Greens (ALG), but for different reasons. According to the ALG spokesperson, anyone who buys a car should not benefit from a "goodie".
The cantonal council said yes to the partial revision of the transport tax. This means that in future, the amount of motor vehicle tax for cars, motorcycles and small motorcycles in the canton of Zug will no longer be based on engine capacity, but on the weight of the vehicle and its power. Electrically powered vehicles will no longer be at a disadvantage compared to combustion engines. This is because vehicles with an electric motor do not have a cubic capacity.
Safety Director Laura Dittli (center) said it was time to reorganize the taxation of transport taxes. Also, according to the government councillor, to secure the road construction fund. The tax revenue per vehicle is falling because more and more electric vehicles are on the roads.
Roger Wiederkehr (center) also spoke out in favour of a revision of the transport tax during the debate. "Vehicles with electric motors should not be at a disadvantage compared to combustion engines," he said. Taxation based on engine capacity had "had its day".
Representatives of the left-green party argued similarly. Drin Alaj (SP) praised the bill as "forward-looking" and Luzian Franzini (ALG) stated that there was an urgent need to modernize the current system. "The energy transition will only succeed if we set the right incentives and actively steer transport policy." However, the best vehicle is still the one that is not bought at all.
Higher annual tax rejected
A motion by the ALG calling for a higher annual tax did not stand a chance during the debate. While the government argued for CHF 8.30 per 100 kilograms of total weight and CHF 1.20 per kilowatt of power, the ALG argued for CHF 10 per 100 kilograms and CHF 1.60 per kilowatt of power. This was in line with the Swiss average, said Luzian Franzini (ALG). Parliament rejected this proposal by 54 votes to 16.
Several German-speaking Swiss cantons are currently revising their motor vehicle taxes. Last autumn, for example, the Lucerne parliament approved the greening of transport taxes.
According to the dispatch, the partial revision of the Road Act should come into force at the beginning of 2026.