Elementary schoolZurich cantonal council wants to employ "Poldis" for up to three years
9.9.2024 - 11:15
The so-called "Poldis", i.e. people without a teaching diploma, should be allowed to work in the same Zurich school for up to three years in future. On Monday, the Cantonal Council provisionally supported a corresponding proposal by the Greens, FDP, GLP and AL.
09.09.2024, 11:15
09.09.2024, 12:35
The parliamentary initiative (PI) received 135 votes. The provisional support required 60 votes. The issue will now go to the responsible committee, which will prepare a draft. The matter will then return to the Council.
The Council wants to deal with the matter quickly, as many schools still have to rely on "Poldis" to fill all positions. So far, however, the employment is limited to one year.
"School hopping" due to previous employment period
However, because "Poldis" can be employed again for a year in another municipality, this has resulted in "resource-draining school hopping", as Hanspeter Hugentobler (EVP, Pfäffikon) put it. The aim should be to recruit enough people for long-term school service.
Part of the proposal is therefore also that the "Poldis" must undergo further training at the teacher training college from the start of their work in the classroom.
"Pragmatic solution" for older "Poldis"
The SVP pointed out that "a pragmatic solution" is needed for older "Poldis". "They may no longer want to tackle several years of study." In principle, however, the SVP also supported the extension to three years.
The SP criticized the proposal. The whole thing sounds pragmatic. But it would be wrong to cement the crisis mode with a legal regulation, said Carmen Marty Fässler (Adliswil).