Mystery surrounding bodies in cornfield The identity of a dead man has been clarified


25.9.2024 - 06:29

The discovery of a body in a maize field in Gronau continues to keep investigators busy. Now there has been an initial success. But many questions remain unanswered.


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  • Investigators have established the identity of a man in the case of two bodies found in a cornfield in Gronau, North Rhine-Westphalia.
  • He is a 25-year-old Polish man.
  • The identity of the second dead man is still unknown.

Investigators have clarified the identity of a man in the case of two dead bodies found in a cornfield in Gronau, North Rhine-Westphalia. It is a 25-year-old Polish man, according to the Münster public prosecutor's office and the police.

However, it is unclear when the man left Poland. It is also not known where he wanted to travel to and whether he was traveling with others. According to the initial results of the investigation, he may also have been in the Netherlands.

According to the information provided, the investigators were able to trace the man's identity mainly thanks to his tattoos. "The identity of one of the deceased could be clarified based on the description and publication of the tattoos, a subsequent tip from his family and a DNA comparison that has since been carried out," the police statement said.

Dog digs up boots

The identity of the second deceased remains unclear. Investigators have not been able to draw any conclusions about the cause of death from the toxicological tests carried out so far. However, the investigations have not yet been completed. "Other forensic institutes and the State Office of Criminal Investigation are also involved."

The investigators also have no new information about the tuft of bloody hair that an RTL reporter team said they had discovered near the site where the body was found. It could not be assigned to any of the dead beyond doubt, they said.

Two bodies were discovered in a cornfield in Gronau at the beginning of September.
Two bodies were discovered in a cornfield in Gronau at the beginning of September.
Image: Keystone

On September 8, the dog of two walkers had dug up a boot at the edge of a cornfield in Gronau, North Rhine-Westphalia. The police officers who were called to the scene then found the remains of the two buried bodies.