Objections withdrawnThe world's smallest ski area in St. Gallen is ready to go
Oliver Kohlmaier
A ski lift with five lifts is set to start operating this winter in St. Gallen.
Picture:St. Galler Tagblatt/Christian Meier
Green light for the world's smallest ski resort: the objections to the project by four artists have been withdrawn. The 20-metre-long slope could go into operation next year.
27.11.2024, 22:16
27.11.2024, 22:23
Oliver Kohlmaier
No time? blue News summarizes for you
The world's smallest ski resort in St. Gallen can go ahead.
The objections to the art project have been withdrawn.
The owners of a neighboring property were unsettled by the plans and had feared an "alpine fun" in the middle of St. Gallen.
In February and March, four artists want to operate a deep black, 20-metre-long slope including a lift.
The smallest ski resort in the world can soon be launched. The objections to the art project in St. Gallen have been withdrawn, as reported by the newspapers of the "CH-Media" group.
Residents had previously blocked the project, fearing "Alpine fun" in the middle of St. Gallen. However, the artists finally succeeded in allaying their fears and persuading the residents to withdraw their objections.
The black slope is to be built on this slope in St. Gallen.
Picture:blue News
"This won't be another Ischgl"
In the garden of a vacant house, four artists want to operate a T-bar lift and prepare a black slope in February and March. The objectors, owners of a neighboring property, do not live on site themselves and were unsettled by the artists' plans. However, one of the artists, Christian Meier, reassured them: "This won't be another Ischgl".
The project has met with a positive response in the immediate vicinity. Several neighbors have offered to help shovel, build jumps and prepare the slope. This also helped to convince the objectors of the project. An agreement has now been signed which regulates the boundary distances and the procedure in the event of damage.
Meier and his partners now want nothing less than to "invent an unheard-of winter fairytale" with the project. A rush on the ski area is not to be expected. This is because the 20-metre-long slope is not for beginners, but "deep black".
Only the building permit is still pending, but Meier is in good spirits. "We'll get this ski lift up and running - 200 percent," he says. After all, a T-bar lift has already been found and is on its way to St. Gallen.