Kerstin Ott trainsBeatrice Egli convinces fellow pop singer to run a half marathon
Fabian Tschamper
At the "Beatrice Egli Show", the hostess spontaneously asked pop singer Kerstin Ott if she would like to take part in a half marathon with her. She agreed - and now her training has begun.
In the fall of 2024, the surprise was big: Beatrice Egli spontaneously suggested to Kerstin Ott on her show that they run a half marathon together. Ott agreed straight away. Training has now begun.
16.01.2025, 14:09
16.01.2025, 14:16
Fabian Tschamper
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Kerstin Ott has given up smoking, jogs regularly and is preparing for a possible half marathon with Beatrice Egli with distances of up to 12 kilometers.
Ott is optimistic, despite still having room for improvement in her running speed, and emphasizes her progress in training.
A specific date for the half marathon has not yet been set, as the two singers' schedules have to be coordinated.
She has given up smoking and integrated sport into her everyday life: Kerstin Ott is physically fitter than she has been for a long time. This development did not escape Beatrice Egli's notice when the pop singer ("Die immer lacht") was a guest on the "Beatrice Egli Show" produced by SWR. "Do you know what I was thinking? We'll run a half marathon together next year," the Swiss singer suggested in October 2024. The 2013 DSDS winner had obviously struck a nerve. Ott spontaneously agreed.
What about the training? In an interview with MDR, which took place on the sidelines of the Florian Silbereisen show "Schlagerchampions - Das grosse Fest der Besten", the 42-year-old provided information. Things are going "well": "I'm still busy jogging." Her usual distances are currently six to eight kilometers, but she occasionally manages ten to twelve kilometers. With regard to the half marathon distance of officially 21.0975 kilometers, there is still room for improvement.
Kerstin Ott: "I'm also glad that I'm running at all"
"From my point of view, I can start at the end of the year," Ott said optimistically. However, she admitted that her running speed still has room for improvement. She currently needs around nine minutes per kilometer - a significant improvement on her beginnings, when she needed almost twelve minutes for one kilometer. The pop singer explained with a laugh: "I'm also glad that I'm running at all."
It remains unclear when the big run can actually take place. The reason: the schedules of the two pop stars. "We first have to see when we both have time at the same time," explained Ott. After all, Beatrice Egli is on the road a lot. The two have yet to speak again. "But I'll report back when it's ready to go", she assured.