Nature Be careful when picking wildflowers in Graubünden


20.6.2024 - 13:42

Anyone picking wild flowers, plants and berries must observe a few rules. (Archive)
Anyone picking wild flowers, plants and berries must observe a few rules. (Archive)

The Graubünden Office for Nature and the Environment has launched a flyer and poster campaign to draw attention to the rules for collecting wildflowers. Only enough may be collected to ensure that the species is not endangered. In addition, certain collectors require a permit.

Anyone who collects wild plants or parts thereof in order to process them into liqueurs or cosmetic products for sale must apply for a permit, as the Office for Nature and the Environment wrote on Thursday. The same applies to people who collect wild plants in order to grow garden plants for sale.

Anyone who picks a bunch privately or makes schnapps, teas or desserts from the flowers, berries and plants for their own consumption only has to observe the so-called Red List. This indicates whether a species is endangered or whether a collection site is located in a plant protection area.

The most important rule is that picking plants must not lead to the extinction of a species. If you need larger quantities, you should grow them yourself, the office continues.