Father is also deadEmergency services rescue drowned child in Giessbach Falls
18.7.2024 - 13:33
Switzerland, View of Giesbachfälle waterfall BST000066
imago images/Westend61
The toddler who has been missing in the Giessbach Falls in Brienz BE since the end of June has been found dead. The emergency services located and rescued it on Monday.
18.07.2024, 13:33
18.07.2024, 14:24
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A toddler fell into the Giessbach Falls in June. His father jumped in after him and they both drowned.
More than three weeks later, emergency services have now recovered the child's body.
The father, who was also dead, was found one day after the accident.
A family outing has turned into a tragedy. A small child fell into the Giessbach Falls in the Bernese Oberland. His father drank afterwards, but was unable to save himself or his child. The father was found dead a day later. The child remained missing.
A few days ago, the emergency services were able to locate the dead child. They recovered it under challenging conditions, the Bern cantonal police announced on Thursday.
According to a spokeswoman for the Bern cantonal police, the search was made more difficult by the large quantities of water. She did not comment on the location.
The two people who died in the accident were from Saudi Arabia. The family was on a hike near the Giessbach Falls, which are located next to a hotel on Lake Brienz.