One of the largest traditional sheep migrations in Switzerland took place on mountain trails in Graubünden on Saturday. 1400 animals ran from one pasture to another.
Sheep under the summit of the Falknis.
Great traditional sheep migration in Graubünden - Gallery
One of the largest traditional sheep migrations in Switzerland took place on mountain trails in Graubünden on Saturday. 1400 animals ran from one pasture to another.
Sheep under the summit of the Falknis.
One of the largest traditional sheep migrations in Switzerland took place on mountain trails in Graubünden on Saturday. High above Fläsch in the Rhine Valley, 1400 animals changed pastures from the Guschasattel under the 2560-metre-high Falknis to the Fläschertal.
The animals graze in the remote Fläschertal valley until they are brought down from the alp in October. The spectacular sheep migration leads partly on narrow paths along a steep mountain flank at well over 2000 meters above sea level. It has a long tradition and has been taking place for decades.
The huge herd of sheep set off at 6 o'clock on Saturday morning. Just over an hour later, the first animals were already in the high Fläschertal valley. The older animals were not quite as fast, but they knew the way and walked it alone. They covered a distance of around ten kilometers. According to the shepherd, all the sheep survived the hike unscathed.