Elections in FrancePolls show no absolute majority for Le Pen's right-wing party
5.7.2024 - 00:51
The latest polls do not show an absolute majority for Marine Le Pen's leading Rassemblement National (RN) in the French parliamentary elections.
05.07.2024, 00:51
05.07.2024, 06:47
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According to an Ifop poll published on Thursday evening, the right-wing nationalists and their allies have between 210 and 240 seats in the decisive round of the parliamentary elections on Sunday.
They would thus fall well short of the absolute majority of 289 seats in the National Assembly.
According to an Ifop poll published on Thursday evening, the right-wing nationalists and their allies will win between 210 and 240 seats in the decisive round of the parliamentary elections on Sunday. They would thus fall well short of the absolute majority of 289 seats in the National Assembly. A poll also presented by the Opinionway Institute on Thursday evening puts the RN and its allies at 205 to 230 seats.
According to the polls, the new left-wing alliance formed for the early parliamentary elections, consisting of the Greens, Socialists, Communists and Left Party, is clearly in second place. Ifop puts this new popular front at 170 to 200 seats, while Opinionway predicts 150 to 180 seats for the left-wing alliance. According to the polling institutes, President Emmanuel Macron's centrist camp has suffered a humiliating defeat and is in third place. Ifop predicts between 95 and 125 seats, Opinionway between 125 and 155 seats.
The conservative Républicains are also losing ground according to the polls. The party split in the run-up to the election. Its leader Éric Ciotti agreed to close ranks with the RN, but only a few MPs joined. According to Ifop, the remaining moderate Républicains have 25 to 45 seats, while Opionway puts them at 38 to 50 seats.
Centrist forces suffer defeat in European elections
A poll published by the Harris Interactive Institute on Wednesday put the Rassemblement National at 190 to 220 seats, the left-wing alliance at 159 to 183 seats and the presidential camp at 110 to 135 seats.
France's head of state Emmanuel Macron had surprisingly dissolved the National Assembly and announced new elections following the defeat of his centrist forces and the resounding victory of the right-wing nationalists in the European elections. His own position is not at stake.