Refugee, Asylum SVP accuses Federal Councillor Jans of failing in asylum policy


30.7.2024 - 10:15

Alleged grievances surrounding the Guglera federal asylum center (archive photo from winter 2015) prompted the SVP Switzerland to appear before the media in Giffers FR.
Alleged grievances surrounding the Guglera federal asylum center (archive photo from winter 2015) prompted the SVP Switzerland to appear before the media in Giffers FR.

For the SVP, Switzerland's asylum and migration policy has failed and is harming the population. At a media conference near the Guglera federal asylum center in Giffers FR, party representatives reiterated their accusations against the responsible SP Federal Councillor Beat Jans.


The conditions in the once tranquil Fribourg rural community are "emblematic of the prevailing asylum madness in our country", wrote the SVP in a press release for the media conference on Tuesday. The Guglera federal asylum center had become an "unbearable burden for the local population".

Head of the FDJP Beat Jans (SP) is "seamlessly continuing" the "asylum chaos" of his predecessor in the Federal Department of Justice and Police, Elisabeth Baume-Schneider. In an SVP asylum position paper, Zurich SVP National Councillor Gregor Rutz speaks of a "failure" by Jans.

In response to the SVP accusations, the FDJP said that the department is in constant contact with parties and organizations and takes their suggestions into account when developing solutions.