Radicalized via TikTok & Co.Two thirds of suspected terrorists in Western Europe are teenagers
23.8.2024 - 06:19
Terrorists have become younger. This is also evident in Switzerland, says terror expert Peter Neumann. The expert describes a new type of self-radicalized young attacker, which he calls TikTok terrorists.
23.08.2024, 06:19
23.08.2024, 14:24
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Terrorists have become younger.
This can also be seen in Switzerland, says terror expert Peter Neumann in an interview.
The expert describes a new type of self-radicalized young attacker, which he calls TikTok terrorists.
For a book that will be published in September, the Professor of Security Studies at King's College London (UK) has recorded all those arrested on suspicion of terrorism in Western Europe since October 2023. Two thirds of the almost 60 people are teenagers aged between 13 and 19.
"This is new. Ten years ago, this age group was an exception, now it's the rule," Neumann said in Friday's Neue Zürcher Zeitung. In addition, these suspects are becoming radicalized online, without even a person such as a preacher to provide the final impetus for the act.
The radicalization begins on large platforms such as TikTok and Instagram and later shifts to closed groups on platforms such as Telegram.
"The new pattern can also be seen in Switzerland," the expert continued. As examples, he cited the perpetrator who stabbed an Orthodox Jew in Zurich in March and the arrests in Schaffhausen and Thurgau at Easter.