Transport Public transport services in the Bern area to be improved in a targeted manner


2.7.2024 - 09:13

Public transport in the Bern region is to be improved in a targeted manner. (symbolic image)
Public transport in the Bern region is to be improved in a targeted manner. (symbolic image)

Improvements in the evening and at weekends, more frequent services and longer lines: Public transport in the Bern region is to be improved in a targeted manner. The Bern-Mittelland Regional Conference (RKBM) is proposing a total of 66 measures.


They are included in the regional public transport service concept for the years 2027 to 2030, as announced by the RKBM on Tuesday. The public has until mid-September to comment as part of the consultation process.

The package of measures was drawn up together with the canton and the transport companies concerned. Increased frequency and improved services in the evening and at weekends are to be implemented if they offer a good cost-benefit ratio. They must also fit in with long-term planning.

For the Frienisberg area, for example, adjustments are planned for several bus routes. Line 103 is to be extended to Wohlen/Hinterkappelen. Route 105 is to be routed differently - in future via Aarberg to Lyss.

A new tangential line from Zollikofen to Bern-Europaplatz is also planned. It will connect the economic development centers of Bern West and Zollikofen and replace the existing line 107 (Zollikofen-Bern).

The regional service concepts form the basis for the cantonal decision on public transport services for 2027-2030. The regions have until February 2025 to submit their concepts to the canton. The Grand Council will have the final say in the 2026 spring session.