Eastern Switzerland St. Gallen city parliament approves new cab regulations


26.6.2024 - 11:33

In the city of St. Gallen, app-based service providers such as Uber can now also arrange rides. However, it is still not possible without a permit. (archive image)
In the city of St. Gallen, app-based service providers such as Uber can now also arrange rides. However, it is still not possible without a permit. (archive image)

With the new cab regulations of the city of St. Gallen, app-based transportation services such as Uber are also permitted. The city parliament approved the bill on Tuesday evening with one amendment. The "free ride for Uber & Co." had been opposed by the trade union Unia, among others.


The city parliament's approval was clear with 42 votes to 15. The new cab regulations now differentiate between the categories of cabs with a stand permit, cabs without a stand permit, app-based passenger transportation services and limousine services, according to a press release issued by the city on Tuesday evening.

However, parliament also approved an amendment proposed by the SVP parliamentary group. According to this amendment, "anyone who arranges a ride that requires a permit and for which the driver does not have the necessary permits" can be fined.

The cab regulations had previously been criticized by the Young Socialists and the Unia trade union. From a trade union perspective, it was untenable that the revised cab regulations would open the door to companies such as "Uber & Co.", they said.