Separation escalatesEx-partner harasses Zurich woman with nude photo on postcard
18.11.2024 - 09:36
An ex-partner of a 28-year-old woman blackmailed her with naked pictures. Now he has to stand trial. (symbolic image)
A young woman from Zurich is blackmailed by a former partner with a nude photo. The police initially reacted hesitantly before the cantonal police took the case seriously.
18.11.2024, 09:36
18.11.2024, 10:05
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A 28-year-old woman from Zurich was blackmailed by her ex-partner with the threat of sending intimate photos to her workplace.
He wanted to force contact after she had ended the relationship.
The Zurich city police initially rejected her complaint, but the cantonal police eventually took up the case.
The ex-partner confessed to the crime, cited psychological problems and is now in therapy; the police regret the initial misconduct and point to improvements in the handling of reports.
A 28-year-old woman from Zurich is being blackmailed by her ex-partner. He threatens to send weekly nude photos of her to her workplace if she does not resume contact with him. This threat follows a brief relationship that the 28-year-old ended when she realized that her ex-partner wanted more than she was prepared to give. This was reported by "20 Minuten".
The situation escalated when she found a postcard with a nude photo of herself in her letterbox. The message on the back demanded a conversation, otherwise he would send more photos. This experience led her to avoid social events to avoid running into her ex, and she felt increasingly isolated and anxious.
When the 28-year-old tried to file a complaint with the Zurich city police, she was disappointed. An officer advised her not to do so, as he considered the effort unnecessary. Her complaint was also rejected on a second attempt, on the grounds that there was no immediate danger. Only the Zurich cantonal police took her complaint seriously, issued a no-contact order against him and initiated criminal proceedings.
Depressed at the time of the crime
The ex confessed to the police that sending the postcard was a mistake and that he had deleted the photo. He explained that he had been depressed at the time of the crime and was now undergoing therapy. The police were already aware of similar incidents in the past where the man had threatened his then partner.
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Judith Hödl from the Zurich city police expressed regret that the 28-year-old did not feel she was being taken seriously. She emphasized that reports must always be accepted and referred to the police feedback management system, where complaints can be submitted. Hödl explained that the second contact was documented and that the policewoman had carried out counseling on the subject of stalking.
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