Food FestivalPoschiavo Gourmet Week revolves around food from the southern Graubünden valley
11.9.2024 - 16:43
A typical dish from Poschiavo is capunet, a type of spinach gnocchi that is prepared in a rather unconventional way. (archive picture)
From Thursday, Poschiavo invites you to the "Settimana del Gusto", a week in which everything revolves around the food and culinary culture of Graubünden's southern valley. The "Week of Taste" is the highlight of this year's events, which Poschiavo is organizing as "Regione Svizzera del Gusto 2024".
11.09.2024, 16:43
The "Settimana del Gusto" in Poschiavo is also part of the 24th Swiss Gourmet Week with events throughout the country. This will be opened on Wednesday evening by Federal Councillor Elisabeth Baume-Schneider at the Grand Hotel Bellevue in Bern. Products from the "Swiss gourmet region of Poschiavo" will be served. These include Pizzoccheri pasta and Luganighetta, a sausage specialty.
From 12 to 22 September, the Taste Week in Valposchiavo, as Poschiavo is called in Italian, offers a rich program of tours, tastings and presentations. The pop-up restaurant Il Movimiento, where disabled people cook together with a young chef, stands out in particular.
The rebuilt Café Bernina roastery is open to visitors, and an exhibition shows the history of Poschiavian confectioners, who emigrated all over Europe in the past centuries and often became successful "confectioners" there.
In its year as a gourmet region, Poschiavo wants to present to a wide audience in Italian the initiatives it has taken "to protect, promote and enhance its culinary heritage". The framework is provided by the "100% Valposchiavo" project. According to its initiators, the regional quality label stands for the valorization of local raw materials and for functioning local value chains.