In dry weatherResidents of Brienz GR should be able to visit the village briefly
31.1.2025 - 07:48
The mountain village of Brienz has not been open to the public for two months. (archive photo)
The inhabitants of the evacuated village of Brienz GR may soon be able to return to the closed-off village for a few hours.
31.01.2025, 07:48
31.01.2025, 08:06
The current weather conditions do not permit a visit to the village, which is threatened by a rockfall, according to the municipality's bulletin. However, if the weather is dry and the landslides slow down, it would be possible to stay in the village for a few hours.
The village of Brienz was evacuated in November 2024. According to the municipality, residents have expressed their desire to visit their homes and the village on various occasions.