Around 25,000 Swiss Post employees have not yet received a collective employment contract. (archive image)
The 2025 wage negotiations between the Transfair staff association, the Syndicom trade union and Swiss Post and Postfinance have failed. Around 25,000 employees are affected.
15.01.2025, 10:00
15.01.2025, 10:10
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The parties involved in the Swiss Post wage dispute have not found a solution.
The negotiations for a collective labor agreement have remained fruitless.
The staff association Transfair announced on Wednesday that the negotiations between the Syndicom trade union and Swiss Post have not produced any results.
An arbitration committee, consisting of two union representatives, two employer representatives and an independent president, will now decide on the outcome of the wage negotiations. The wage measures will apply from April 1, 2025; if a decision is not made until after April 1, 2025, they will be implemented retroactively.
The social partners had not been able to agree on wage measures either in the regular wage negotiations or in the permanent expert commission with equal representation. They are very disappointed. "The ideas of the negotiating parties were actually so close that Swiss Post could have contributed to a viable and quicker solution with little effort," complains Transfair.
Swiss Post announced that all participants at the negotiating table had agreed that employees with a collective employment contract should receive higher wages. During the negotiation rounds, however, it became clear "that the negotiating partners have very different assessments of the economic situation and the prospects of the Group".
Payment on account by Swiss Post
Swiss Post and staff representatives note that the cost of living is rising for all employees. According to Swiss Post, it wants to work with the social partners "to find a quick solution and maintain its very good wage level".
As the first part of the wage measures, it will make a one-off payment of CHF 400 for a full-time employee in January as a payment on account. "This early salary measure is in recognition of the great commitment shown by CLA employees over the past year. Employees in the company CECs of Post CH and Postfinance Ltd will benefit from the special payment," writes Swiss Post.
The salary negotiations for staff in the CECs of Post Real Estate Management and Services Ltd, Post Logistics Ltd, Notime Ltd and PostBus Ltd will be conducted separately.