Pharmaceuticals Syngenta cuts 150 jobs at its Basel headquarters


11.9.2024 - 09:50

The headquarters of the Syngenta Group in Basel: The company is cutting 150 jobs in Basel. (archive picture)
The headquarters of the Syngenta Group in Basel: The company is cutting 150 jobs in Basel. (archive picture)

The agrochemicals group Syngenta has announced the reduction of over ten percent of jobs at its headquarters in Basel. Around 150 of the 1100 jobs in Basel will be cut this year.


A Syngenta spokesperson confirmed a corresponding report by the Tamedia newspapers to the Keystone-SDA news agency on Wednesday. Syngenta had announced the job cuts internally last week, which were "due to an intensified and persistently difficult economic environment".

The relevant authorities have been informed, the Syngenta spokesperson added. "We will work closely with our employee association to ensure that all consultation requirements are met and that those affected receive appropriate support." Basel will remain the company's global headquarters.

The spokesperson declined to comment on whether job cuts are also expected in 2025. "At the presentation of the half-year figures on August 29, we pointed out that Syngenta will continue to focus on measures to increase operational efficiency and productivity and improve cash flow across the Group."

Syngenta will continue to invest annually in Switzerland, a large part of this in the production site in Monthey VS, it added.