BilateralsTree planting in Basel for a swift agreement with the EU
7.8.2024 - 14:53
Representatives from politics and business planted a tree as a symbol of a constructive European policy.
Representatives from politics and business associations from the Basel tri-country region planted a tree at the Europainstitut in Basel on Wednesday. This is intended as a symbol of hope for a rapid and sustainable agreement with the EU, according to the Basel Chamber of Commerce.
07.08.2024, 14:53
The meeting was attended by prominent personalities from the three countries. These included Council of States President Eva Herzog and National Council President Eric Nussbaumer (both SP), government representatives Kaspar Sutter (SP BS) and Thomi Jourdan (EVP BL) as well as Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Minister for Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism in Baden-Württemberg (CDU).