Limit value clearly exceededZurich aircraft noise is bothering too many people
5.12.2024 - 09:30
More people traveled through Zurich Airport in September than before the pandemic. (symbolic image)
In 2023, the noise of aircraft taking off and landing in Zurich at night caused more inconvenience than the guideline value: 53,173 people instead of 47,000. This was mainly due to delayed flights.
05.12.2024, 09:30
05.12.2024, 10:03
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In 2023, 53,173 people were affected by aircraft noise at Zurich Airport, 6,173 more than the guideline value of 47,000 people.
The reason is more frequent night flights due to delays. Their number has exceeded the pre-pandemic level.
In the short term, measures to improve punctuality should bring improvements. In the long term, the canton of Zurich is proposing higher daytime and night-time surcharges.
53,173 people were affected by aircraft noise in Zurich in 2023 - 6,173 more than the guideline value of 47,000 people, which should not be exceeded. Among other things, this is due to the significantly more frequent night flights caused by delays during the day.
The number of flights after 11 pm has exceeded the pre-pandemic level, according to the airport report published on Thursday. The canton's expectations regarding noise limitation have therefore not been met. However, the airport partners have introduced measures to improve punctuality.
However, further adjustments are needed for a long-term improvement, it says. For example, a tightening of the day and night surcharges. This could create an incentive to plan flights in such a way that delays and the associated noise pollution after 11 p.m. are reduced.
In Zurich, a night flight ban applies from 11.30 pm to 6 am. However, the period from 11 p.m. to 11.30 p.m. is exclusively for delayed take-offs and landings.