Back pain Bissegger has to miss the road race, Hirschi steps in


28.7.2024 - 13:44

Stefan Bissegger cannot take part in the Olympic road race. The rider from Thurgau has to withdraw from the race due to pain in his back muscles. Marc Hirschi will line up as a replacement.


Bissegger has been suffering from pain as a result of the high level of strain since the end of the Tour de France a week ago. The 25-year-old from Thurgau was able to overcome the pain for the Olympic time trial, which he finished in 6th place on Saturday.

However, he will not be able to withstand a longer effort. The route of the road race next Saturday is 273 kilometers long.

Hirschi, who is the same age, will be competing in an Olympic road race for the second time. The rider from Bern already competed at the Games in Tokyo three years ago.

The so-called late-athlete-replacement process has been initiated for Hirschi, who was busy at the Tour of the Czech Republic until Sunday. He will form the Swiss duo in Paris with Stefan Küng.

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