December horoscope Monica Kissling: "You need to rethink your goals now"
Bruno Bötschi
The possibilities are not endless and your powers are not limitless. The December stars demand moderation. At the same time, they help you to recognize what is really important.
The month begins with Mercury retrograde. Until December 15, the communication planet will be moving backwards through the busy zodiac sign of Sagittarius.
This doesn't make it easy to cut back, so you may be forced to do so by external circumstances. Or you may have to take longer steps, i.e. make detours.
Often there is no direct route to your destination. Everything takes more time, also because of misunderstandings. Allow plenty of time and be curious to see what there is to discover on detours and while waiting.
Freedom of expression versus consideration
Be particularly careful with your words and judgments now. Under the sign of Sagittarius, you often have strong convictions and find it difficult to accept other opinions. You lack the ability to keep your distance and differentiate.
About the person: Monica Kissling

Monica Kissling, alias Madame Etoile, has been working as an astrologer in her own practice in Zurich since 1985, where she offers consultations for private individuals and companies. She regularly appears in print media, radio and TV. She also gives talks and leads vision days and retreats as well as workshops on time quality, time perception and time competence. Monica Kissling has been President of the Swiss Astrologers' Association (SAB) since 2019.
The strength of Sagittarius - its honesty - is often taken to extremes.
This means that diplomatic skill and tact are in short supply. However, ill-considered statements can be hurtful.
Reduce prejudices
Don't jeopardize your credibility with spectacular statements. It is also not necessary to shout your opinion out loud.
It's smarter to question your point of view and break down prejudices. If you realize that you have been wrong about something, you should have the courage to set the record straight.
A month of reflection
The Sagittarius new moon on December 1 invites you to ask yourself questions about meaning. Check whether you are on the right path and want to continue on it in 2025.
Reflect on your values now. What is important to you deep down? What do you want to commit to?
But also: What do you need to let go of in order to create space?

Lively love stars
This New Moon is flanked by a harmonious constellation between Venus and Uranus. This suggests cheerfulness and openness in contact with other people.
As a single person, you can use the favorable love stars to meet inspiring people, preferably during sports or cultural activities. But positive surprises also await you on dating platforms.
Venus, the goddess of love, is in binding Capricorn and is looking for more than just a one-night stand. What starts off casually could well develop depth over the course of the month, especially for Capricorns and Taurus.
Let yourself be enchanted
Romantic Neptune gets involved on December 4. Pisces are of course the masters of the art of seduction. But the other zodiac signs can also come up with something special now and enchant their sweetheart.
The stars suggest escaping the daily grind, treating yourself to a spa day together or a delicious candlelit dinner.
Don't overdo it
In the week from December 2 to 8, the Sun and Mercury will be in conflict with the opposing planets Jupiter and Saturn. While Jupiter always wants the maximum, Saturn urges caution. It is therefore important to find the golden mean between recklessness and fear.
Exaggeration will be punished immediately. This also applies to exaggerated demands in business negotiations or excessive sporting ambitions.
Keep your head clear
Things are likely to get very hectic on December 5 and 6. Mercury retrograde meets the Sun: the news is coming thick and fast. There will certainly be plenty to talk about.
Don't jump on every impulse, but keep your head clear. If the rumor mill is buzzing, question the information critically. This will prevent you from making misjudgements.
All or nothing
The weekend of December 7/8 also has a lot to offer. The goddess of love moves into headstrong Aquarius, where she immediately enters the field of tension of the powerful underworld god Pluto.
This creates maximum intensity in the interpersonal sphere. "All or nothing" is the motto; there is little room for compromise.
Don't allow yourself to be put under pressure now and refrain from power games. Love is a child of freedom and affection can always flow freely.
Balance strong emotions
If you are now struggling with rejection or difficult feelings, for example jealousy and fear of loss, you should turn inwards and find your center again.
Favorable days in December 2024
- December 1-2: Healing conversations and insights, mutual understanding, openness to new things, inspiring acquaintances, spontaneity, wealth of ideas (Sagittarius New Moon, Mercury trine Chiron, Venus trine Uranus).
- December 20: Love luck, appreciation, cordiality, generosity, money blessings (Venus trine Jupiter).
- December 30/31: Clarifying and conciliatory conversations, understanding, compassion, being there for each other (Capricorn New Moon, Mercury trine Chiron).
In a highly agitated state, direct encounters are usually difficult. If you do seek closeness with others, talk about your own feelings and needs without making accusations or demands.
Pause for a moment
On December 7, Mars comes to a standstill and demands your attention. Do the same: stop and pause. Get off the hamster wheel and avoid stressful leisure activities.
Instead of throwing yourself into the Christmas sales, treat yourself to a day with loved ones. Neptune is also stationary and creates a contemplative atmosphere.
How to decide?
The standstill of the two opposing stars Mars and Neptune may present you with a difficult choice. Mars in the sign of Leo is all about fighting and self-assertion, while Neptune in Pisces seeks peace and tranquillity.
Try to find a good balance here too. See where your activities resonate. And take yourself out of the game if you encounter resistance or conflicts arise.
Above all, don't force yourself to do anything! Not even to make a decision. When Mars is dominant, you often want to make a decision immediately - also to get rid of an issue.
However, the important thing now is to let go of the pressure to make a decision. Relax and take your time. Then some things can resolve themselves.
Listen to your body
Mars and Neptune could now also have a debilitating effect, making you feel listless or even exhausted. Perhaps you simply lack the motivation to do something.
It's best to accept things as they are. Stressful questioning won't get you anywhere right now. The message is simple: listen to your body and do what is good for it.
Escape from reality without crashing
What you should also avoid on the weekend of December 7/8: excessive alcohol or drug consumption. If everything is too much for you and you want to escape reality, let yourself be captivated by exciting TV series.
Or immerse yourself in another world with artistic and creative activities. Or simply let yourself drift away for a weekend. Without fear of missing out.
Consider yourself lucky if you have found your spiritual home. If you are searching, you may want to try one of the many good meditation programs available online.
Be creative and live passionately
Mars will now be retrograde for a long time, specifically until the end of February 2025. Its passage begins in Leo, where it will remain until after the New Year. This zodiac sign is all about joie de vivre, creativity and passion.
You can pick up here now. Where and how would you like to be more creative and spontaneous? Don't think twice - it's all about trying things out now! Allow yourself to be playful. If you do what brings you and others joy, you're on the right track.
Anger in your stomach?
Unfortunately, Mars retrograde can also activate undigested frustrations and bring old conflicts back to the surface. Experiences that you experienced as unfair or competitive situations in which you suffered a defeat are particularly likely to be activated.
But what should you do if you suddenly feel old resentment? First of all, thoughts of revenge need to be kept in check. Find out what exactly is still bothering you and think about what you can do.
The goal should be clarification, not the next round in the conflict spiral. Formulate a clear request and refrain from provocation.
Time for revision
It is quite possible that previous decisions will now be reviewed and court cases will be reopened. Mars retrograde ushers in a time of revision and offers the opportunity to reassess something.
Perhaps you will revise a decision yourself. Or you may find that others suddenly change their minds and withdraw from a project.
Where do you need to scale back?
Professionally, it is advisable not to start any new projects in December. Instead, you can now think about where you want to drop out or reduce your workload.
Reduction is the theme of this month. From a business perspective, this unfortunately also means cost-cutting measures or even redundancies. There could be drastic reorganizations in December.
Only temporary solutions for the time being
Mars in decline brings many construction sites. Organizations and systems are being restructured and temporary solutions are being used to bridge the gap.
In addition, technical breakdowns or supply bottlenecks could lead to delays. Delays must be expected time and again in everyday traffic as well as when traveling.
Business negotiations can be difficult and drag on.
Renovate and regenerate
The decline in Mars is good for renovations, not only in the home and infrastructure sector, but also in terms of health - for dental restoration, for example. A stay in rehab is also a good idea now. It can't be ruled out that your car will have to go into the garage now.
Generally speaking, the returnees support taking time out to reflect on the meaning of life and your personal goals.
Looking for a sexual kick
In the week of December 9 - exactly on December 12 - the conflict planet Mars is in conflict with Venus, the goddess of love. Conflicts can therefore escalate until the full moon.
It's all about self-determination and freedom, liveliness and sexual tension. Restrictive relationships and those that have become boring due to routine now have a problem.
So be creative: allow yourself to experiment. Try new things with your sweetheart so that you don't have to look for adventure elsewhere.
Who dares, wins!
The fact that the love stars are now showing their conquering side is very good news for singles. Because Mars is retrograde, recapturing a former love can also be an issue.
You should also be courageous when it comes to relationship conflicts. Address the hot topics now and express your wishes, especially your sexual ones. Talking to each other helps - the communication stars are aligned!
Exuberant mood
Don't expect bad luck on Friday the 13th. On the contrary: the day should hold pleasant surprises. And it ushers in a sparkling weekend with exciting encounters and conversations.
So it's best to invite people to the big party on Friday evening! There's a great chance of meeting great people with whom you can experience new adventures.

The bear is on the loose
Under the Gemini Full Moon of December 15, the need to communicate is huge. News comes thick and fast, and alongside lots of gossip, there may also be something relevant. But the main thing is entertainment!
This weekend is all about activity: being out and about, shopping, doing sports or hopping from one aperitif to the next - all very spontaneous. You don't notice much of an Advent atmosphere at the moment.
Suddenly insecure
There may be a dip in mood on and around December 18. Chiron and Lilith are opposite each other, which can indicate feelings of shame and guilt. The trigger may be a clumsy remark or an ambiguous gesture.
This is especially true because Neptune is also causing confusion. Misunderstandings can lead to resentment, deceptions to misjudgements and ambiguities to uncertainty.
Old wounds open up
However, it is also possible that a strange feeling suddenly creeps up on you for no apparent reason or that you feel insecure and think you have done something wrong.
These can be fears that suddenly arise and whose causes lie far back in your childhood. Perhaps a recent event has triggered a painful memory from the past.
A confidential conversation with a sympathetic person can support you now. However, it is better not to conduct important professional negotiations on December 18.
Attention from loved ones
Very soon, the lucky planet Jupiter will help you regain confidence. On the night of December 20, it forms a wonderful constellation with Venus, the goddess of love.
If it's not your sweetheart, then it's other loved ones who are now building you up and showing you appreciation. Give your affection generously too.
With your self-esteem boosted, it will be easy for you to see things in a positive light again. Your relationships can blossom.
Challenging days in December 2024
- December 4: Indiscretion, missionary zeal, conflicts of authority, disappointed hopes, failure, correction and reduction (Mercury opposition Jupiter, Sun square Saturn).
- December 7: Jealousy, overreactions, disappointments (Mars stationary, Venus opposition Pluto, Sun opposition Jupiter, Neptune station).
- December 18: Discrimination, betrayal of trust, devaluation, bullying, deception (Chiron opposition Lilith, Sun square Neptune).
- December 26-28: Communication problems, mistrust, traffic problems, unexpected turns, unreliability, refusals (Mercury opposition Jupiter square Saturn, Venus square Uranus).
Come to rest
With the beginning of winter and the Sun's entry into Capricorn on December 21, the energy is directed more inwards. From now on, avoid hectic activities and calm down.
A feeling of clarity and peace can arise in the sign of Capricorn if you take good care of yourself and focus on the essentials.
Moderation is the order of the day
On Christmas Eve, December 24, Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is exactly in the field of tension of Jupiter. You can already feel this difficult constellation in the weeks leading up to it.
It stands for moderation and correction. Jupiter, the planet of growth, will have its wings clipped, so to speak. This is not good news for the economy as a whole, but you may also feel it in your wallet.
Recognize what really matters
This is not a time to spend excessively, as we normally do at Christmas. But that doesn't have to spoil your good mood. Celebrate this Christmas simply, but in style.
The Saturn-Jupiter constellation helps you to recognize what is really important, apart from the festive and gift-giving hype: interpersonal relationships, warmth and love.
Questions of principle arise
The days after Christmas will be quite intense again. On December 26/27, the communication planet Mercury raises fundamental questions.
You will either question many things yourself or those around you will critically scrutinize certain things. Are there views that you need to revise? Or goals that you need to adjust?
Where you hoped for too much or expected too much from others, you now have to back off.
Stay open and in conversation
Different opinions can clash in discussions with your fellow human beings. It is important to keep missionary zeal, stubbornness and intolerance in check.
On the weekend of December 28, Uranus also causes turbulence. Surprising new decisions can cause excitement. Not only your planning but also your emotional balance can get mixed up.
If you've been taken by surprise, pause for a moment. And then seek a conversation, because remaining passive is not an option right now.
Open your heart
The Capricorn new moon on December 30 finally ushers in a time of reflection, and it doesn't exactly herald an exuberant mood for the turn of the year. Rather, you are now dealing with serious questions, including questions of meaning.
Mercury in a favorable constellation with Chiron promises deep insights if you engage in introspection. You can also open your heart now and forgive yourself and others for mistakes.

Say goodbye to the year with gratitude
The planetoid Chiron now comes to a standstill and brings the theme of transience to mind. You can use this to look back with gratitude on the past and what you have experienced this year.
You can focus on what really endures in your life. Many things are fleeting, but what really gives you stability? Where do you feel safe?