WolfLivestock guarding dog attacked by wolves in Flumserberg SG
5.8.2024 - 11:42
The livestock guarding dog "Fly" was injured in a wolf attack in the Flumserberg region.
Wolves have attacked a livestock guarding dog in Flumserberg. The dog was so badly injured that it is currently no longer fit for use, wrote the St. Gallen Farmers' Association in a statement on Monday.
05.08.2024, 11:42
In the Flumserberg region, wolves have killed sheep several times in recent weeks, "despite herd protection measures", according to the press release. With the attack on the livestock guarding dog, the situation has reached a new level of escalation.
The scope for action to shoot the wolves is massively restricted in this case due to the applicable legal basis. This forces the Alpine farmers to stand idly by and watch as the wolves cause damage. They have learned to circumvent herd protection measures.
On Tuesday, the farmers' association, together with the SVP and an affected herdsman, will present the escalating situation in the Flumserberg region to the media.