Annual horoscope 2025 Monica Kissling: "Lions are keen to experiment"
Bruno Bötschi

Astrologer Monica Kissling has looked at the stars and reveals how you can make 2025 your lucky year: only do what you enjoy!
No time? blue News summarizes for you
- The big blue News annual horoscope: astrologer Monica Kiss ling has looked into the stars and tells you what they have in store for you.
- 2025 is a special year. It is a year of transition into a new era. A lot has to be let go, new things have to be discovered and shaped first.
- This requires patience, trust and the willingness to act according to the principle of trial and error. Where the journey will lead is still completely open.
- Download your annual horoscope as a PDF here.
The energy planet Mars will keep you on your toes at the start of the year. You may have to scale back your activities and sporting ambitions for the time being.
Don't go into resistance, but trust the voice of your body. Thanks to a reduction or a temporary break, your strength will return in April at the latest - and how!
Don't think about it too long, try it out
In spring, you are full of energy and ready to fully commit to your goals.
Half measures are not your thing anyway. It's time to get going and gain new experiences.
Plans you've had in your head for a while now need to be put into action. Not everything has to be perfect. On the contrary: solutions often reveal themselves when you're on your way.
Decide on what you enjoy doing
It is important that you make decisions based on the pleasure principle. Only do what you really enjoy - and what others also enjoy. Your strength is motivation: Use it!
Encourage other people, including young people, and give them courage. This is exactly what is needed in uncertain times like these. Love also benefits from your passion. Have the courage to fully commit to a person: with skin and hair.
Give up control
Show yourself to be approachable and vulnerable. You are good at showing strength and emphasizing your attractiveness. There is no lack of self-confidence. But being weak, leaning back and letting yourself be led is new.
Let what wants to happen happen and relinquish control. Then you will experience deep connection and be able to strengthen your trust in others.