A member of the French canoeing association is caught urinating in public by police officers in Paris. The situation then escalates completely.
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- Guillaume Berge, a member of the French canoeing association, is arrested in Paris on Tuesday night.
- He was caught by police officers while urinating in public and tried to flee.
- He scuffled with several police officers, who then used a stun gun.
- According to a report, Berge has lost his job with the association.
As the French newspaper "Le Parisien" reports, Guillaume Berge, a member of the French canoeing federation, was arrested on Tuesday night. What happened?
The 33-year-old, who until ten months ago was the national coach of the women's kayak team, was caught by police officers at 2.50am on Monday night urinating against a wall in Paris' Passage Louis-Philippe. When he had finished, he tried to flee.
The former trainer apparently fell and knocked over a police officer. He is said to have slightly injured two other police officers who rushed to his aid by punching them in the face. Finally, a police officer used a stun gun to immobilize the 33-year-old.
He first aimed it at his thigh, then at his back, but without the desired effect. After that, the fists allegedly flew and the Taser was used again. In the end, the patrol managed to arrest Berge and take him to the police station in handcuffs.
"It is unacceptable behavior"
The fact that Berge is said to have celebrated canoeist Nicolas Gestin's Olympic victory too boisterously will not interest the police. As "Le Parisien" writes, the entire operation was filmed by the bodycam of one of the police officers. After losing his job as coach of the women's canoe team a few months ago due to a lack of success, he will now also lose his job at the federation.
Ludovic Royé, technical director of the federation, who was alerted at seven o'clock in the morning, spoke of "unacceptable behavior". "He is no longer an Olympic coach, he is still in our ranks, but we are in an amicable separation with him. It is unacceptable behavior! There are about seventy people in the federation and one has derailed."