Annual horoscope 2025 Monica Kissling: "Resistance spurs Scorpios on even more"
Bruno Bötschi

Astrologer Monica Kissling has looked to the stars and reveals how you can make 2025 your lucky year. Scorpio natives can expect a whole new challenge when they let go of the old.
No time? blue News summarizes for you
- The big blue News annual horoscope: astrologer Monica Kissling has looked at the stars and tells you what they have in store for you.
- 2025 is a special year. It is a year of transition into a new era. A lot has to be let go, new things have to be discovered and shaped first.
- This requires patience, trust and the willingness to act according to the principle of trial and error. Where the journey will lead is still completely open.
- Download your annual horoscope as a PDF here.
Your planetary ruler Pluto has recently definitely entered Aquarius. There he often gets in the way.
This means that you won't be able to continue on your usual path. New ideas are needed. Where others would be at a loss, you are highly motivated.
Because resistance always spurs you on to top performance. You soon surprise those around you with crazy ideas: Pretty brave!
Optimize your projects
Practice patience and frustration tolerance in 2025. Setbacks are by no means a sign that you should give up. Check where you can optimize.
Perhaps there would be better partners for a business idea? Or an employer who really supports innovative projects?
Now put your feelers out in all directions until it really fits. This makes much more sense than getting caught up in arguments.
Become part of a team
Let go of anything that takes up too much of your energy. Not that you have too little energy, but it needs a constructive channel.
You need to be able to make a difference, not as a boss, but as part of a motivated team of like-minded people.
Now also let go of what you have identified with so far. That's a big chunk, especially if you've held a very important position so far. But new challenges await you now!
Try a role reversal
Your romantic relationship will blossom if you free it as much as possible from everyday routines. Throw your ideas of a normal distribution of roles overboard - or even better: swap roles straight away.
The joy of experimentation is like a fountain of youth. If you're looking for a partner: change your prey scheme.