Russia Putin: «Attaccare la NATO? Solo fesserie di Biden»


17.12.2023 - 11:01

Sono «fesserie» le affermazioni del presidente americano Joe Biden secondo le quali la Russia potrebbe attaccare paesi della Nato se vincesse la guerra in Ucraina. Lo ha detto il presidente russo Vladimir Putin.

epa11029061 Russian President Vladimir Putin attends his annual live broadcast press conference with Russian federal, regional, and foreign media at the Gostiny Dvor forum hall in Moscow, Russia, 14 December 2023. Russian President Vladimir Putin on 14 December holds his end-of-year press conference, followed by the 'Direct Line with Vladimir Putin' televised event, where he will answer citizens' questions focusing on domestic issues. The President's Big Press Conference is an annual event that has been held since 2001. This year the format is combined 'Direct Line' (questions from citizens) and 'Big Press Conference' (questions from journalists). The event takes place months before the presidential election scheduled for 17 March 2024, in which Putin decided to run for re-election. EPA/ALEXANDER KAZAKOV / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL
epa11029061 Russian President Vladimir Putin attends his annual live broadcast press conference with Russian federal, regional, and foreign media at the Gostiny Dvor forum hall in Moscow, Russia, 14 December 2023. Russian President Vladimir Putin on 14 December holds his end-of-year press conference, followed by the 'Direct Line with Vladimir Putin' televised event, where he will answer citizens' questions focusing on domestic issues. The President's Big Press Conference is an annual event that has been held since 2001. This year the format is combined 'Direct Line' (questions from citizens) and 'Big Press Conference' (questions from journalists). The event takes place months before the presidential election scheduled for 17 March 2024, in which Putin decided to run for re-election. EPA/ALEXANDER KAZAKOV / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL


In questo modo Biden vuole solo giustificare la sua politica perché la Russia «non ha nessun interesse a combattere la Nato, né geopolitico, né economico né militare», ha aggiunto Putin in un'intervista all'emittente televisiva Rossiya-1 ripreso dall'agenzia Ria Novosti.

Citato dalla Tass, nell'intervista Putin ha anche detto di essere stato «ingenuo» nei primi anni del suo mandato riguardo alle intenzioni dei paesi occidentali, che puntavano alla «disintegrazione» della Russia come era avvenuto con l'URSS.

Il presidente ha affermato che l'ex consigliere per la sicurezza nazionale americano Zbigniew Brzezinski aveva un piano per «dividere la Russia in cinque parti e sfruttare le sue risorse».