Annual horoscope 2025 Monica Kissling: "New acquaintances await Capricorns"
Bruno Bötschi

Astrologer Monica Kissling has looked into the stars and reveals how you can make 2025 your lucky year. New acquaintances and other exciting projects will soon be waiting for Capricorn-born people.
No time? blue News summarizes for you
- The big blue News annual horoscope: astrologer Monica Kissling has looked into the stars and tells you what they have in store for you.
- 2025 is a special year. It is a year of transition into a new era. A lot has to be let go, new things have to be discovered and shaped first.
- This requires patience, trust and the willingness to act according to the principle of trial and error. Where the journey will lead is still completely open.
- Download your annual horoscope as aPDF here.
2025 will bring fundamental changes - in the world, but especially in your personal life. This is both an opportunity and a challenge.
An opportunity because you can finally shed a lot of baggage and free yourself from obligations. This creates space for new things that will inspire you mentally: new acquaintances, new interests, new projects.
Adapt flexibly to changes
The fact that life now demands a great deal of adaptability and flexibility from you is challenging.
This can initially trigger a defensive reflex, because you are actually most comfortable when things stay the way they are. When you can count on the familiar.
However, you may find it a little easier to let go after the turbulence of the past few years.
You can do it without perfect planning
Fortunately, it doesn't have to be stressful. After all, what initially seems urgent actually takes some time. Especially in the first half of the year, changes don't really take off.
So you can take your time to make your preparations. Nevertheless, consciously prepare yourself for new situations. And allow yourself to try out different things.
You don't need the perfect plan either, you can allow yourself to take detours or make mistakes. In 2025, you will often go back and forth. This is not a sign that you are doing something wrong, but is in the nature of the current transition.
Cultivate relationships and rituals
Spring offers you the opportunity to reminisce. Perhaps you would like to see old acquaintances again or revive a ritual.
It is important that you actively seek contact with people: to celebrate past moments, but also as a companion in your new life. "Togetherness instead of loneliness" should be your motto.