People T.I.: Lerne aus deinem Knastaufenthalt, Meek Mill!


9.11.2017 - 09:33

Rap superstar T.I. has officially been sentenced to a year and a day behind bars for illegal weapons charges.
The Whatever You Like hitmaker, real name Clifford Harris Jr., appeared in an Atlanta, Georgia court on Friday (27Mar09) morning to hear his punishment.
The felony charges relate to his 2007 arrest, when he was caught trying to buy an arsenal of guns from an undercover FBI agent.
His lawyers struck a plea deal with prosecutors last year (08), which saw the star agree to complete a total of 1,500 hours of community service, pay a $100,000 (£70,000) fine and serve 366 days in jail for the crime.
U.S. District Court Judge Charles Pannell Jr. officially handed T.I. the sentence on Friday, as his longterm girlfriend Tameka 'Tiny' Cottle - formerly of R&B group Xscape - and other members of his family and friends looked on.
The rapper has already completed 1,000 hours of community work to date, and the remaining 500 hours are due to be served after his prison time.
Pannell Jr. praised T.I. for turning his life around since his arrest, telling the star he had more than exceeded the court's expectations and hoped his case would inspire others in similar circumstances to follow in his footsteps.
T.I. has been given six to eight weeks to voluntarily report to jail, although the judge acknowledged that he will not actually begin his sentence before 19 May (09) due to prior commitments.
However, T.I. could walk free after serving just 10 months - if he behaves himself while in prison, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution. (MT/WNWC&WNWCM&WNWCAH/IG)

The 2007 ESPY Awards held at Kodak Theatre - Arrivals
Hollywood, California - 11.07.07

Featuring: ***FILE PHOTO***
Where: United States
When: 11 Jul 2007
Credit: Adriana M. Barraza / WENN
***FILE PHOTO*** * T.I. SENTENCED, WILL REPORT TO JAIL IN MAY Rap superstar T.I. has officially been sentenced to a year and a day behind bars for illegal weapons charges. The Whatever You Like hitmaker, real name Clifford Harris Jr., appeared in an Atlanta, Georgia court on Friday (27Mar09) morning to hear his punishment. The felony charges relate to his 2007 arrest, when he was caught trying to buy an arsenal of guns from an undercover FBI agent. His lawyers struck a plea deal with prosecutors last year (08), which saw the star agree to complete a total of 1,500 hours of community service, pay a $100,000 (£70,000) fine and serve 366 days in jail for the crime. U.S. District Court Judge Charles Pannell Jr. officially handed T.I. the sentence on Friday, as his longterm girlfriend Tameka 'Tiny' Cottle - formerly of R&B group Xscape - and other members of his family and friends looked on. The rapper has already completed 1,000 hours of community work to date, and the remaining 500 hours are due to be served after his prison time. Pannell Jr. praised T.I. for turning his life around since his arrest, telling the star he had more than exceeded the court's expectations and hoped his case would inspire others in similar circumstances to follow in his footsteps. T.I. has been given six to eight weeks to voluntarily report to jail, although the judge acknowledged that he will not actually begin his sentence before 19 May (09) due to prior commitments. However, T.I. could walk free after serving just 10 months - if he behaves himself while in prison, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution. (MT/WNWC&WNWCM&WNWCAH/IG) T.I. The 2007 ESPY Awards held at Kodak Theatre - Arrivals Hollywood, California - 11.07.07 Featuring: ***FILE PHOTO*** Where: United States When: 11 Jul 2007 Credit: Adriana M. Barraza / WENN

Der Rapper ('Live Your Life') saß selbst schon im Gefängnis und möchte nun seinem Kollegen ('We Ball') helfen, damit der hinter Gittern keine Fehler macht. Wie T.I. gegenüber 'TMZ' verlauten ließ, solle sich Meek vor allem auf die Zeit nach dem Knast konzentrieren:

"Lerne so viel du kannst und bereite den Moment vor, an dem du in die Freiheit kommst. Erarbeite eine Strategie für dein Comeback!"

Zeit für eine solche Strategieplanung wird Meek Mill viel haben, da das Gericht diese Woche bekannt gab, dass er mindestens zwei Jahre hinter Gittern verbringen wird. Grund für die Haftstrafe sind Verstöße gegen seine Bewährungsauflagen, die Meek Mill aufgebrummt bekam, denn der Rapper saß bereits einmal in Haft. 2008 wurde er aufgrund von Waffen- und Drogenbesitz in den Bau geschickt, kam jedoch 2009 wieder auf freien Fuß.

Seine Anwälte und Kollegen aus dem Showgeschäft sind schockiert über das harte Urteil. Meek Mills rechtlicher Beistand kündigte bereits an, dass man in Revision gehen wolle. Sollte das Urteil in der zweiten Distanz bestätigt werden, hat Meek Mill immer noch den guten Rat von T.I., um die Zeit im Gefängnis zu nutzen. Ob und wann eine neue Verhandlung stattfindet, ist nicht bekannt.

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